Last week a new feature was added to this web site entitled RENOVATION & RESTORATION CORNER . . . It debuted with Fr. Joe's article about the fascinating mystery of the partial news clipping found during the dismantling of the Jesuit Martyrs' Shrine. (For more information, click here.)
This week is our second feature on the web and we are instituting the feature in the bulletin as well. My hope is to highlight the progress being made in the Church. Also, to show those who have already donated what their participation has helped to make possible. For others, it shows how you can help us to continue MOVING FORWARD with your commitment to a pledge to our Capital Campaign.
Unlike last week, there's no mystery to be solved- just clues as to how well we are progressing with the renewal of our magnificent Church.
As you can see from the pictures, the Church interior is in the midst of major construction. The old flooring has been removed (imagine the treasures found!) and the uneven floors throughout the Church made even ( . . . and the rough places plain . . . )!
Paint primer has been applied to the Mezzanine (think balcony) level and the ceiling of the nave and the pews have been sent to a "pew spa" for restoration.
Please be assured of our gratitude for those who have already committed to their pledge. For those who are still discerning, imagine how proud you will feel to be a part of this historic opportunity!
To pledge or donate now or for more information on how you can participate in the Capital Campaign, contact Capital Campaign Director, Patrick Brewis at or (212) 627-2100, ext. 206
Architect's depiction of the transepts and sanctuary renovation.
(Courtesy of Thomas A. Fenniman, Architect)

View of construction under way in the transepts, looking west.
(Photo: Carlos Martín)