Sunday, September 6, 2009

Capital Campaign News, Week of 9/7/09

THE 3 R's PLEDGE DRIVE - Renewal, Renovation and Restoration - begins next weekend, September 12 and 13, and runs for 4 weekends.

Speakers will speak briefly on why they chose to participate; campaign volunteers will be on hand to pass out commemorative booklets and pledge envelopes to all those attending Mass; and all will be given time during Mass to fill out pledge envelopes and return them to the volunteers before the end of Mass. Volunteers will also be available to answer any questions you may have about the Campaign.

Please pray about how you would like to participate. We are still at about 10% participation for all registered parishioners.

Spread the word by telling your friends and neighbors to come and see our spiritual home while it is being transformed! The renewal, renovation and restoration of the Church of St. Francis Xavier will bring back its original "Wow!" factor. The dramatic changes will truly be a sight to behold and an experience worth sharing. And, as is always our custom, everyone is welcome here! So tell your friends!

Take a tour! Church tours highlighting the new changes begin again on September 12 and 13 after each Mass.