Sunday, September 6, 2009

Renovation and Restoration Corner #7: In the Transepts

We can now see with our own eyes the amazing progress made in the Nave. The workers and conservators have been very busy while we've been on "summer vacation" from our worship space. New treasures waiting to be revealed!

As we return to our magnificent Church this weekend, I’ve included some pictures of what is now hidden high above the scaffolding in the transepts.


BEFORE RESTORATION - Four angel medallions
(as pictured) surround the large central medallion,
the Apotheosis of St. Francis Xavier, and are now
being restored high above the scaffolding in the transepts.

(Photo: Tom Fenniman, Architect)


DURING RESTORATION - Same angel medallion (above)
mid-restoration. Note the area still in need of cleaning
and restoration around the medallion.


Let's hear it for A/C! - Air conditioning Ducts (above)
have been installed in the wall leading from the
Mezzanine level down behind the confessionals
in the back of Church.


The dramatic distinction on the ceiling in the transept
(above). Compare the dirt and grime on the left
side to the cleaned and primer-coated right side of
the ceiling.


Conservation technician Mila Esposito is cleaning a portion
of the grand
Apotheosis of St. Francis Xavier medallion.



Photos by Patrick Brewis